The Cash Register Compleat

If everything has gone well, we will have successfully turned your IS4C lab computer into a cash register. But lets make sure.

At the Wedge Co-op, whenever I.T. has done any significant amount of work on a register lane, an I.T. person is required to perform at least the following before pronouncing the lane ready for operation. We'll go down the list.

  • Sign in as "training" (enter 9999 into the log in box).
  • Check that both monitors are working (we use two).
  • Check that both date and time are correctly reported on the screen on the upper right (or all your data will have the incorrect time stamp on them).
  • Weight something on the scanner scale, and check that the weight is shown in the little box on the upper right, and that it is the same as the weight shown on the pole display that is part of the scanner scale.
  • Scan a barcode, and see that the item is rung in and shown on the screen.
  • Ring up a complete transaction (as in A First Test) with cash tender. Use the programmable keyboard even if you've learned how to do everything with a regular keyboard. See that the cash drawer pops open and that a receipt prints out.
  • Ring up a complete transaction (as in A First Test) with check tender. Endorse the check when prompted. See that it is endorsed properly and that the cash drawer pops open afterwards and the receipt prints out.
  • Ring up a complete transaction with credit card tender. You can't do that yet, so we'll skip this for now.
  • Sign out, see that the cash drawer pops open.
  • Sign back in as cashier 56 (Kate K) and check that the lane is not in "stand-alone" by noting the green dot at the upper right.
  • Sign out.
Everything working? If there are no errors, then, congratulations! You have a cash register that can input data to MySQL, with all that it implies. The intention and purpose of the original IS4C release was just to get to this point. It was intended that if you already have a back end with an open architecture DBMS, you can hook up your DBMS with MySQL on the lane, and you will have a point of sales system. There are, after all, only about 7 MySQL tables you have to deal with.

Eventually, it became apparent that while integration remained the goal, some built-in back end system needed to be immediately available, without prolonged customization, before IS4C could be viable as a point of sales system. The essential elements of such a system were finally put together into one place after three installations.

Now that we have a working lane, it's time to install the administrative back end on the server.

Configuring the Lane